Saturday, October 22, 2011

Week 7 - Michael Arrington

This is a blog post about Michael Arrington, a well-known blogger in tech industry. Michael is founder and former co-editor of TechCrunch, blog that covers technology news and other related topics ranging from consumers electronics to important technology news around the world. Michael was named as one of the most influential people on the Internet by Wired and Forbes

Among many of his start-ups and companies that he founded, TechCrunch is most notable of all. It covers  technology news and start-ups and ideas that are noteworthy. He worked there as co-editor and wrote columns in various ranging topics. At the time of writhing this post, he is no longer working or employed at TechCrunch. 

Although Michael is influential blogger in the tech industry, many fellow bloggers and even some CEOs in Silicon Valley seems to not like him, because of his arrogant attitude toward things that he doesn't support and inappropriate verbal usage from time to time. He was also involved in a lawsuit around developing and launching of tablet device, called JooJoo, where Arrington and other company were claiming the rights of device. Overall, he knows what he is doing, which is writing sensational blog post to attract people, and does it in a smart business way. 


1 comment:

  1. There was a lot of controversy when he was asked to leave there. good choice.
